Elizabeth Done


Headshots27     ELizabeth

Elizabeth is a 500 hour certified teacher through Yogaworks, that has been teaching yoga for over 15 years and a student herself for over 25 years. Elizabeth describes herself as an east coast girl, building a life for herself on the west coast.

Elizabeth is committed to moving through the world authentically, always striving to be better and do better and to remain a human of integrity. She is unafraid to speak her truth and strives to empower her students to do the same.

Elizabeth’s classes are strong & fun. She loves the movement of a vinyasa class, combined with a meditative mind that provides for a well balanced class. Her only request is that you bring your smile and sense of humor along with you! Let’s sweat and laugh together!

When she’s not teaching yoga, Elizabeth leads a full, healthy  life in Santa Clarita, with her husband & three boys.


Ada Hawkins
Ahmie Alvarez
Andrea Dill
Carlie Berkowitz
Ceci Greenway
Claudia Zenteno
Elizabeth Done
Emily Safdeye
Jaime Annett
Jess Crocker
Kate Cianci
Kennedy Mullen
Kenya DeJarnette
Kimberly Pask
Lauren Whempner
Lori Schneider
Lucy Manukyan
Marlo Paredes, RDN
Megan Olind
Molly Atler
Olga Atkinson
Tiffany Morello

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