Emily Safdeye


Headshots52     Emily

Emily started practicing yoga after a shoulder injury and continued to incorporate the practice of yoga into strength training. Yoga has been a saving grace for her in handling difficult transitions through her life and the yoga practice has become essential to her wellbeing. Emily is excited to share this transformative journey and humbled to be able to help guide others through it.

With a BA in clinical psychology Emily focused the last year of University on studying mindful meditation and the effects it has on stress levels in the human body. She saw a dramatic drop in stress levels after a short 5-10 minute daily meditation practice in herself and the participants of her study. Shortly after finishing university Emily started teaching Lagree fitness (strength based workout using variable tension) which led her back to wanting to learn more about yoga. Yoga is where Emily found her happy place to be free, surrender, and love herself. She has completed 500 hours of yoga teacher training through YogaWorks focusing on the subtle body using the Vayus (breath direction) and chakra meditation/healing. Emily teaches anything from restorative and therapeutic yoga to heavy vinyasa flow. 

Through training and her own practice, Emily found the value and importance of the breath (prana) and it being essential for any yoga class. Her classes incorporate directing the breath to specific areas of the body to build strength, break free of any constrictions (physical and mental), and feel lighter by the end of class no matter what style it may be. Filled with empathy and a loving energy, Emily encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and take another step towards your soul.



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Emily Safdeye
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