Stephanie James


Headshots61     Stephanie

I am 500+ RYT with Yoga Alliance. I am also 500 hours certified in both mat and reformer Pilates. I truly believe that Yoga and Pilates are life-changing and I love being able to see the transformation in people once they start practicing. My goal is to bring inner peace and clarity by enhancing a body-breath connection as well as improve strength and flexibility which helps in all aspects of life, both on and off the mat. The goal of my classes are always to be able to feel empowered and capable of whatever they put their minds to. 



Ada Hawkins
Ahmie Alvarez
Andrea Dill
Ceci Greenway
Claudia Zenteno
Elizabeth Done
Emily Safdeye
Jaime Annett
Kate Cianci
Kennedy Mullen
Kenya DeJarnette
Kimberly Pask
Lauren Whempner
Lori Schneider
Molly Atler
Olga Atkinson
Jess Crocker

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